Hello everyone, mottoquotes.net blog site started its activity as a personal diary in 2020 under the name of “Motto Quotes”. When we realized that the block started to be read by the masses who think like us and try to add value to life we decided that we should do something serious about it.
When we started writing a blog, we wrote more essays. However in 2020, we decided to challenge ourselves to try to reach a wider audience by writing quotes about Motivational and Inspirational Quotes. The name of the blog site was also decided accordingly.
In July 2020, we launched the second professional blog site called mottoquotes.net. In the early days, we thought this would be easy, but we understood that it would not be easy as it was thought.
After starting mottoquotes.net we felt like someone new in this business, the new area was a different game. It was very easy to reach audiences in this niche area with essays. We knew what kind of writing this audience liked to read, so blog traffic was always reading considerably. Having our articles on the first page of Google was something we could easily accomplish for almost every post.
Unfortunately, mottoquotes.net was completely different. The topics we wrote before did not appeal to our new audiences. Somehow, we noticed that the SEO techniques we applied before did not work on our new site. Getting organic traffic was very difficult but not impossible, we believed that we could achieve this.
Did we regret that we started a new site?
Never. Not even a second. Launching mottoquotes.net was a new life experience for us. It's like traveling the world in the comfort of our home. We had the chance to learn many new things about the blog world. We have come across many successful bloggers living their dreams and at the same time we continue to inspire and motivate others to be as successful as they are.
Our blogging journey continues. It may not sail properly, but we will continue to enjoy the rollercoaster ride. We started our second blog recently, and on this blog, we continue to convey our experiences about Istanbul on gooistanbul.com. We believe it was created for everyone to create. We want to inspire others to use their creativity and create a life of their dreams.
Dreams come true when you add passion and little effort. If you think your blogging journey can inspire you to live your dreams, follow us on our posts and all our social media accounts. Let's prove to ourselves and the world that nothing is impossible.
Remember: “It's just time is impossible”.